Expert about Innovation

Senior Coach and Trainer with an agile Mindset

I have been working as a freelance journalist since 2002 and have also been working as a design thinking and innovation coach, certified as a product owner and in the field of leadership skills since my extra-occupational English-language Master of Webscience degree at the Technical University of Cologne.

As a servant leader, I have internalized the agile mindset through and through, value openness and appreciation – and take myself back as a coach and trainer. That is authentic for me. For me, senior does not mean to determine at the top, but to accompany and enable, in other words to enable, as the saying goes. I embody this through my entire demeanor, my age and my experience.

I feel comfortable in the business environment, particularly in the areas of real estate, insurance, pensions and digital. But also very much in the area of social enterprises.

My Projects and Certificates

Erlebniswelt des Schreibens

E-Commerce-Project: high-quality writing tools

Study “Master of WebScience” (graduated with 1.2)

Certificate Leadership Competence (TH Köln)

Lecturer for start-up and innovation topics (TU Dortmund)


Innovation Training and Coaching

Benefit from my expertise as an innovation coach with decades of specialized expertise as a journalist – and thus for the generation of real customer insights. I would be happy to accompany you in your sprints and projects.