Jörg Stroisch
Your Innovation Coach
for real customer insights
The good idea keeps failing because of reality, what the customer really wants remains unclear? Innovation initiatives often fail because of this. Yours too? I have been working as a journalist and product manager for over 20 years. That’s why I can offer you much more expertise and support in generating customer insights than why, why, why and brainstorming. Based on design thinking, I am your innovation coach for the entire project or sprint. Consulting and coaching quality ‘made in Germany.’
MY OFFERS FOR Innovation Sprints
Once a week there is new content here. Check it out and comment! You can also subscribe to the newsletter, then you will automatically stay up to date.
- Why observation is an excellent method for agile frameworksTo gain real insights about your customers and users, you have to contact them. One method for doing this is observation – it’s simple yet unfortunately used far too infrequently.
- Interviews as a gateway to customer requirements in agile projectsIn agile projects, the question of the customer’s point of view arises at many points. The involvement of this stakeholder is even an elementary component. One way to generate these insights is through interviews – but there are some hurdles here.
- Short Video-Tutorial about InterviewsMaybe you will enjoy it? Get a short insight, how you could do good interviews with real insights with your customers. As a freelance journalist for over 20 years I collect huge experience in this method. The webinar will last round about 30 min and is introductional; english language!
- Interview: Asking good questionsThe interview is a central method of all agile methods. And not only there. After all, good interviewing brings real insights into the problem and solution space of products and services.
- High/low grid for brainstormingThe classification of creative thoughts, for example after a brainstorming session, into a concrete action set is not so easy. The High/Low-Grid can be of help here, as it helps to set priorities.
-> german and english episodes: Watch all episodes of the podcast “Designed Innovation” here.
- Brainstorming is an important creative method. Birna from Bulby has developed many approaches to this and developed a tool. Episode 27 of the podcast “Designed Innovation”.
- Brainstorming ist eine wichtige Kreativmethode. Birna von Bulby hat hierzu viele Ansätze erarbeitet und daraus ein Tool entwickelt. Folge 26 des Podcasts "Designed Innovation".
- Eipisode 25// Sam Yiheng Cen ist Spezialist für agile Methoden, unter anderem für Design Thinking. Auf LinkedIn ist er sehr aktiv. Das ist die zwölfte Folge meiner Sonderserie Social Media.
- Episode 24 // Wie kann das Thema Innovation bei Schreibwarenhändlern angegangen werden? Die Branche kämpft ja – wie der Einzelhandel generell – mit vielen Herausforderungen. Nils Jeners ist Innovationscoach und beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit diesem Thema. Er ist Gesprächspartner in dieser neuen Folge des Podcasts "Designed Innovation".
- Ein Unternehmen ändert die Prozesse, führt SCRUM ein und ist dann agil? Nein, sagt Rainer Collet, Mitbegründer von Value Rebels. Warum es auf viel mehr auf die richtigen Talente ankommt und auf Experimente, erklärt er in einer neuen Folge des Podcasts "Designed Innovation".