Podcast: How brainstorming works properly (en)

How to make a brainstorming in a right way.
How to make a brainstorming in a right way. - Foto: canva.com/stroisch.eu

Episode 3 / en / How does brainstorming actually work properly? In Episode 3 of my podcast “Designed Innovation”, I cover this topic in the audio lexicon.

Stroisch Designed Innovation
Podcast: How brainstorming works properly (en)

Brainstorming is a well-known creative method. Unfortunately, the term has also become a buzzword. “Let’s brainstorm,” bosses like to ask teams to do – and then apply it incorrectly. Because brainstorming is actually a more quantitative method. In the new podcast – the Audio Lexicon – I cover this topic.

The “Designed Innovationf” podcast comes out every 14 days with a new episode. In addition to this German-language version, an English-language version is also published in parallel. Always alternating, there is a column or an audio lexicon.

Here is episode 3 about brainstorming to listen to.

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